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Display select file dialog Action(Power Automate Desktop)

Japanese version.

Used to ask the user to specify a file.

How to use

Drag Display select file dialog Action from the Message Boxes to the Workspace.

Set parameters.


Dialog title

Specifies the title to be displayed in the upper portion of the dialog.

Initial folder

Specify the folder to be displayed when the dialog is opened, either by folder path (text) or by folder info variable.
If not specified, it will be the document folder or the previously opened folder.

File Filter

Specify the format of the files that can be selected.
For example, to restrict to text files and executable files, specify ".txt;.exe".

Keep file selection dialog always on top.

When turned ON, the dialog will always be visible.
Turning it OFF hides it behind other windows.
In many cases, it is easier to use if you turn it ON.

Allowed multiple selection

When turned on, multiple files can be selected by Shift+click.
In this case, the results are stored in a list.

Check if file exists

If ON, only created files can be selected. If you want to select only created files, turn ON.

The result of the action is set. The name of this variable can be changed.
If multiple actions of the same type are to be set up, it is recommended that the name be changed to indicate what kind of dialog is being used.
If there are variables that are not used, it is recommended to turn them off.
(To avoid adding unnecessary variables to the flow variables in the inspector)

Variables produced


The file information selected in the dialog is set.
If multiple files are selected, they are set as a list.
If the Cancel button is clicked, it will be empty even if selected.


The button you click is set.

On error

Error handling if necessary.

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Message boxes Actions

Examples of Use

What to do if the specified file does not exist.

How to deal with the case where the specified file already exists.

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