Read from CSV file Action(Power Automate Desktop)


Japanese version.

This action takes the contents of a file into a Data table variable.
It supports not only CSV, but also TSV, arbitrary delimited files and fixed-length formats.

How to use.

Drag Read from CSV file Action action from File onto the workspace.

Set parameters.


File path

Specifies the target file to be read.File information variables can also be specified.
If there is a possibility that the file does not exist in the specified path, it is recommended to check its existence before loading.


Specifies the character encoding of the text to be read.

Trim fields

When turned ON, blanks at both ends of data are deleted.

First line contains column names

Turn ON to treat the first row as a column.
If you treat it as a column, you can operate it by column name.

Columns separator

Specifies how to delimit columns.


Select an additional Separator parameter.

  • Comma
  • Semicolon
  • Tab

Select the additional Custom Separator parameter.

Specify the delimiter as an arbitrary string.

Fixed culumn widths

If the file to be read is a fixed-length file, use this specification.

For example, if the first column has 4 digits, the second column has 8 digits, and the third column has 4 digits, specify 4,8,4.

Variables produced

The result of the action is set to a variable. The name of this variable can be changed.
If you are using the same action more than once, change the name to something that indicates what kind of file it is.
There is no need to change the name here, since turning off the variable makes no sense to use the action.


The contents of the file are set to Data table variables.

On error

Error handling is performed as needed.

An error occurs when a read failure occurs.

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File Actions

Examples of Use

How to convert CSV files to Excel files