LEN function. Length of a character string.(Microsoft Excel)


Japanese version.

The LEN function gets the number of characters in a text.

Because it is faster and more accurate than counting by eye, it has a great effect by itself and is a useful function with a wide range of applications.

How it works

stringRequired argument.Text that counts the number of characters.


Both one-byte and two-byte characters are counted as one character.

Control characters are also counted as a single character.
Therefore, if there is a line break in a cell, it is also counted as one character.


If the argument were a cell range, it would be Spill.



Microsoft Excel Functions Text

Examples of Use

Formulas to randomly reorder a range of cells.

Formulas to extract text from a cell every specified number of letters.

Formulas to sort text in cells.

Formula to split text into cells one character at a time.

How to reverse text.

How to extract only numbers from text.

Formula for extracting URL parameter values.

How to search for newlines in a cell with the FIND function.